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Sappi at the FESPA Global Print Expo 2024 in Amsterdam

FESPA Global Print Expo 2024 will be held between 19 and 22 March in Amsterdam, the Netherlands and we will once again have a booth to showcase our portfolio of high-quality dye sublimation papers in hall 1, stand A72.

A high-level audience of professionals from screen and digital printing as well as large format and textile printing will be gathering at the RAI Amsterdam exhibition and convention centre in March 2024. In Hall 1, Stand A72, we will be presenting an exclusive selection of our high-quality paper range for a variety of applications - from dye sublimation papers for digital transfer printing to self-adhesive label and release liners for visual communications and label applications and paper- and containerboards for premium packaging use.

 This year, we opted for the booth theme "Meet the experts - Come in and level up", an open invitation to visitors to ask their questions, receive technical support and to discuss new projects with us that will help them move forward. We will be pleased to support them in all aspects of today’s business environment.

Sappi offers a wide range of dye sublimation papers covering all end applications. The papers are especially designed to ensure high dimensional stability, quick ink drying, uniform ink transfer with minimal ink consumption and short transfer times. A variety of samples and sublimated products of fashion textiles, sportswear, home textile, soft signage, promotional items and hard substrate will be on display for visitors at FESPA.

We guarantees the high quality of our sublimation papers by regularly expanding and modernising our state-of-the-art technology. Last year, for example, we invested in two new paper converting machines combined with a new and fully automated packaging line specifically for dye sublimation papers at our Carmignano plant in Italy. Start-up of this high-tech equipment is planned for April this year. These new assets will support a significant growth of capacity combined with increased flexibility of the internal process, allowing us to offer even more appropriate solutions and respond to the further increasing market demand.

We cordially invite you to visit our booth and benefit from both the visual and tactile experiences. By not only seeing our papers but also touching them, you can directly grasp their high quality!

Sappi Europe SA
Chaussée de la Hulpe 166
1170 Brussels


Sappi Dye Sublimation Team

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