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Digital Identity For Your Garment - a four part series

The Rudholm Group will present a four part series on Digital Identity, explaining how QR codes and NFC chips on clothing give your products a unique identity.

A digital identity allows you to standardise the information about attributes of each garment, guarantee the authenticity and traceability of products, as well as provide information about your products in order to help customers make sustainable choices.

Episode 1: Identity and Integration  – we will discuss how we can provide identity to our garments and how we can use this identity to integrate with other platforms.

Episode 2: Authenticity –  this episode deals with how digital identity ensures a garment’s authenticity, so that the consumer knows that they have brought an authentic garment, and the warehouse knows that they have received an authentic garment, for instance in a return from a customer.

Episode 3: Transparency – covers how we can provide a more transparent supply chain, and environmental information in our work as a brand.

Episode 4: Marketing – this will cover how we can use digital identity in marketing in a way that provides more value to the end consumer while also providing more data points to improve marketing of your brand even more.

We invite you to join us for these presentations. Please watch the Introduction By Kristoffer Schroeder in the video on your right.


Rudholm & Haak AB
Box 1103
501 11 Borås
Borås stad
VAT nummer: SE5562543735


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